Plasmid NZ_CP046544.1


Nucleotide Information

Accession NZ_CP046544.1
Description Escherichia coli strain FHI_NMBU_10 plasmid pFHI_NMBU_10_05, complete sequence
Source refseq
Topology circular
Length 3356 bp
GC Content 0.48 %
Created at NCBI Feb. 9, 2021


Genome Data Information

Accession GCF_016803915.1
Assembly Coverage 62.21


Curated Collection Information

Accession 13476489

Genotype ST829

Original Query 59.935N;10.746E
Original Query Type coordinates
Coordinates (Lat/Lon) 59.94/10.75
Address Griffenfeldts gate, Lovisenberg, St. Hanshaugen, Oslo, 0456, Norway

Original Query Homo sapiens,feces
Classification fecal,gastrointestinal_system,host_associated
Host-associated Taxon
  • Homo sapiens (9606)

Original Query Diarrhea
  • Diarrhea (DOID:13250 )
  • A gastrointestinal system disease described as the condition of having frequent loose or liquid bowel movements. Acute diarrhea is a common cause of death in developing countries and the second most common cause of infant deaths worldwide. The loss of fluids through diarrhea can cause severe dehydration which is one cause of death in diarrhea sufferers. Along with water, sufferers also lose dangerous amounts of important salts, electrolytes, and other nutrients. There are at least four types of diarrhea: secretory diarrhea, osmotic diarrhea, motility-related diarrhea, and inflammatory diarrhea.


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based on Mash distance

Plasmid Visualization

NUCCORE ACC Source Element Name Display Sequence Favorite
NUCCORE ACC Source Element Name Display Sequence Favorite


based on the NCBI Prokaryotic Genome Annotation Pipeline (PGAP)

NUCCORE ACC Gene Locus Tag Product Protein id Codon Start Translation Table GO process
NUCCORE ACC Gene Locus Tag Product Protein id Codon Start Translation Table GO process


based on MOB-Typer and Plasmid Multilocus Sequencing Typing (PMLST)
NUCCORE ACC Contigs md5 hash Replicon Type Relaxase Type MPF Type OriT Type Predicted Mobility Primary Cluster ID Secondary Cluster ID Observed Host Range Ncbi Rank Observed Host Range Ncbi Name Mash Nearest Neighbor Mash Neighbor Distance Mash Neighbor Identification Reported Host Range Lit Rank Reported Host Range Lit Name Replicon Type Accession Relaxase Type Accession MPF Type Accession OriT Type Accession Associated PMID(s)
NUCCORE ACC Contigs md5 hash Replicon Type Relaxase Type MPF Type OriT Type Predicted Mobility Primary Cluster ID Secondary Cluster ID Observed Host Range Ncbi Rank Observed Host Range Ncbi Name Mash Nearest Neighbor Mash Neighbor Distance Mash Neighbor Identification Reported Host Range Lit Rank Reported Host Range Lit Name Replicon Type Accession Relaxase Type Accession MPF Type Accession OriT Type Accession Associated PMID(s)

BLAST results of detected typing markers by MOB-type
NUCCORE ACC biomarker MOB-suite ID Element Start End Strand Identity Coverage Evalue Bitscore
NUCCORE ACC biomarker MOB-suite ID Element Start End Strand Identity Coverage Evalue Bitscore

Detected typing markers by plasmidfinder
NUCCORE ACC Typing Identity Coverage Start End Strand HSP length Template length Position in ref Positions in Contig Note Accession Hit id Organism L1 Organism L2
NUCCORE ACC Typing Identity Coverage Start End Strand HSP length Template length Position in ref Positions in Contig Note Accession Hit id Organism L1 Organism L2