biomol_genomic[PROP] AND plasmid[FILT] AND (bacteria[FILT] OR archaea[FILT]) NOT complete cds[TITL] NOT gene[TITL] NOT genes[TITL] NOT contig[TITL] NOT scaffold[TITL] NOT whole genome map[TITL] NOT partial sequence[TITL] NOT (partial[TITL] AND plasmid[TITL]) NOT locus[TITL] NOT region[TITL] NOT fragment[TITL] NOT integron[TITL] NOT transposon[TITL] NOT insertion sequence[TITL] NOT insertion element[TITL] NOT phage[TITL] NOT operon[TITL]
(from Orlek et al). The query retrieves sequences
containing plasmids as location tag and being assigned to both bacterial and archaeal organisms, while discarding sequences matching any of the specified NOT pattern[FILT]
Document summary was fetched for each hit and subsequently linked to their correspondent Biosample and Assembly record, when available.
contig|\sgene(?!tic|ral|rat|ric)|integron|transposon|scaffold|insertion sequence|insertion element|phage|operon|partial sequence|partial plasmid|region|fragment|locus|complete (?!sequence|genome|plasmid|\.|,)|(?<!complete sequence, )whole genome shotgun|artificial|synthetic|vector
.version 2.8.1
; seqkit rmdup --by-seq
For each group of identical sequences, one record is selected based on the following criteria:
version 2.3; mash sketch -S 123 -k 21 -s 1000 -i; mash dist -d 0.00123693
(Bacteria OR Archaea) NOT plasmid [FILT] NOT complete cds[TITL] NOT gene[TITL] NOT genes[TITL] NOT contig[TITL] NOT scaffold[TITL] NOT whole genome map[TITL] NOT partial sequence[TITL] NOT locus[TITL] NOT region[TITL] NOT fragment[TITL] NOT integron[TITL] NOT transposon[TITL] NOT insertion sequence[TITL] NOT insertion element[TITL] NOT phage[TITL] NOT operon[TITL] NOT whole genome shotgun[TITL] NOT assembly[TITL]
Data available until 2024_05_31_v2 date was included.
version 2.15.0; blastn -task megablast -perc_identity 99 -qcov_hsp_perc 80 -evalue 0.05 -max_target_seqs 10 -max_hsp 10
value < Q0.25-1.5*IQR or value > Q0.75 + 1.5*IQR
).version 4.1.0-beta
version 3.1.8; mob_suite --multi
version 2.1.6; plasmidfinder_db version 2.2.0; plasmidfinder.py -l 0.60 -t 0.80
Plasmids surprassing the thresholds (min_cov=60; min_ident=80) are typed. For more info about the output check here.
version 3.12.8; database version 2024-01-31.1; amrfinder --report_all_equal --plus --ident_min 0.95 --coverage_min 90
and RGI
(version 6.0.3, CARD version 3.2.9; rgi main --local --clean --low_quality --include_nudge
using hAMRonization (version 1.1.4
To avoid redundancy, records sharing the same gene symbol, strand, and genomic coordinates (range +-10nt) were considered duplicates and only AMRFinderPlus records were retained.
version 7.1.0; antismash --genefinding-tool=prodigal-m
mash sketch -S 123 -k 21 -s 1000{individually} -o {query_msh_noext} {query_fa} && mash dist {plasmids_msh} {query_msh} -v {max_pvalue} -d {max_dist} > {output}
mash screen {plasmids_msh} {query_fa} -v {max_pvalue} -i {min_ident}{winner_takes_all} > {output}
blastn -query {query_fa} -task blastn -db {plasmids_db} -out {output} -evalue 1 -perc_identity {min_ident} -qcov_hsp_perc {min_cov} -outfmt '6 qseqid sseqid qstart qend sstart send evalue bitscore pident qcovs qcovhsp'
tblastn -query {query_fa} -task tblastn -db {plasmids_db} -out {output} -evalue 1 -qcov_hsp_perc {min_cov} -outfmt '6 qseqid sseqid qstart qend sstart send evalue bitscore pident qcovs qcovhsp'
If you encounter any problems or have questions about the data feel free to open an issue. In case of reporting an error, do not forget to specify the used web server version, the error message, and a description of your request (e.g. job ID and input data).
This website is provided "as is" without any warranties.