Shown is an interactive visualization of BLAST results between the query NZ_CP028577.1
and the subject
. The plot illustrates which parts of the query sequence map to which parts of the subject sequence, i.e.
it shows the alignments between the two sequences. To see more information about an alignment mouse over it. After clicking on one or
multiple alignments the view and export options become available. To zoom in one specific region move the mouse cursor there and
scroll up using the mouse wheel. To see a region further to the left/right click and drag to the left/right. Use the filter options on
the left to refine the results.
The evalue describes the significance of an alignment/hit. Its value is the number of hits to be expected by
chance. For example, a match with an E-value of 1 means that the search can result in one hit which has per chance the same score.
The closer the E-value is to 0 the more similar are the two sequences and the more significant is a hit. The default E-value is 10.
The bit score represents the quality of an alignment. The higher the score, the better is the alignment. It
includes the alignment of similar or identical nucleotides/amino acids (using a substitution matrix) together with introduced
alignment gaps. Since the bit score is normalized it allows the comparison of the scores from different alignments.
The covering filter can be used to only display alignments of particular length.